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Residents are most vulnerable overnight. We’re sharing how to best support them.

In October’s National Fall Huddle, we’ll evaluate the incidence of falls during the evening hours, including what triggers and behaviors are present prior to these fall events. We’ll also provide strategies for mitigating sundowning behaviors and review how environmental factors contribute to fall risk. Additionally, we’ll explore how technology can support staff and residents during the overnight hours—the hours when fall risk peaks, and staffing is reduced.

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State of Falls Report Blog Post - image

SafelyYou releases inaugural 2022 State of Falls report

The report deepens our understanding of both how Americans feel about aging and falling, and the true impact falls have on adults residing in—and out—of senior living communities. Because with a greater understanding of a problem we can work towards more effective, transformative solutions.

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The Impact of Person-Centered Fall Interventions

Fall Interventions Help Prevent Falls for Memory Care Residents

As we age, physical changes and health conditions make falls more likely. In fact, falls are a leading cause of injury among older adults. And adults living with dementia fall at least four times per year — twice as often as adults without dementia. But fall prevention interventions, like those outlined below, can reduce the risk of fall events and help keep memory care residents safe.

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Top 5 fall prevention tactics you can train in 15 minutes

We know that care providers have limited time to offer effective training programs. We also know that 78% of falls occur between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. and the most common location for fall events is by the bed. So, we analyzed 9,000 falls and developed these quick-to-train tactics, empowering care providers to in-service staff in a short amount of time and help reduce the risk of unwitnessed falls by the bedside.

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By 2030, falls will cost $11 billion per year.

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The Inaugural

2022 State of
Falls Report

From Crisis to Opportunity:

Coming Together to Create

Transformative Change

Remove the guesswork from unwitnessed falls.

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