Learn How to Lead a Fall Huddle; Submit Challenging Case to Expert Panel

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Falling will always be an issue for memory care residents. In fact, SafelyYou’s community data reveals that 70% of falls occur in a resident’s bedroom and 80-90% of falls are unwitnessed.

It is important for care staff to participate in post-fall huddle programs to help reduce repeat falls. SafelyYou is hosting a webinar to help you establish the most effective program: 

  • Get practical tips on improving or launching your fall huddle program
  • Gain critical insights and be inspired to think differently when it comes to fall prevention
  • Submit your unique cases of residents with frequent falls for the panel to personally address

Please join the free webinar on Wednesday, June 24 at 10 a.m. PST.

SafelyYou is leading the way in fall prevention technology in memory care with AI-driven video fall review. Our expert panel includes: Laura Hastings OTR/L, Ann Olson OTR/L, Glen Xiong MD and Shirley Nickels.

june webinar

Ready to see how SafelyYou can help your communities?

The Inaugural

2022 State of
Falls Report

From Crisis to Opportunity:

Coming Together to Create

Transformative Change

Remove the guesswork from unwitnessed falls.

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